Diamond API v4


Diamonds API v4 major purpose is managing Vendor’s owned diamonds, published on Cutwise Platform.

Diamond Object Description

Here is the example Diamond object fetched from Cutwise Diamonds API:

  "id": 337,
  "sku": "MSSRBC13",
  "price": null,
  "isColored": false,
  "isLabGrown": false,
  "cutShape": "Round",
  "carat": 0.73,
  "clarity": "VS2",
  "color": "G",
  "cutQuality": "Excellent",
  "polish": "Excellent",
  "symmetry": "Excellent",
  "fluorIntensity": "FNT",
  "fluorColor": "B",
  "access": 1,
  "dataAccess": 0,
  "certifications": [
      "id": 330,
      "laboratory": "GIA",
      "number": "33188",
      "url": "https://www.gia.edu/report-check?reportno=2136273512",
      "file": "https://d1d7qk4j7uzdqw.cloudfront.net/StoneCertificates/333/2136273512.pdf"
  "scores": {
    "integral": {
      "val": 0.95,
      "rg": 1.02,
      "d": 0.05,
      "ver": "1.1.0"
    "spread": {
      "ct": -0.19,
      "pc": -14.2,
      "d": 0.1,
      "ver": "1.0.0"
    "fire": {
      "val": 0.73,
      "rg": 1.02,
      "d": 0.05,
      "ver": "fire-2018-01-26-6525426815546393815"
    "brilliance": {
      "val": 1.03,
      "rg": 1.03,
      "d": 0.02,
      "faceup": 1.01,
      "avg": 0.98,
      "ver": "5.4.2018-06-29-3890169345"
    "fluor": {
      "n": 1,
      "f": 0,
      "m": 0,
      "s": 0,
      "vs": 0,
      "color": 4,
      "colorCode": "B",
      "ver": "5.4.2018-06-29-770653064"
    "symmetry": {
      "val": 8.55,
      "pav": 8.71,
      "crown": 8.39,
      "d": 0.05,
      "ver": "1.3.0"
  "_links": [{
    "rel": "page.report",
    "href": "https:\/\/cutwise.com\/diamond\/337"

Fields description:

Field Format Description
id int Cutwise ProductID
sku string Diamond SKU, provided by Client
price float|int|null Diamond price, null if not set
isColored bool Is diamond graded as fancy coloured
isLabGrown bool Is diamond lab-grown
carat float|int Diamond carat weight
cutShape string Diamond cut shape
clarity string Diamond clarity grade
color string Colorless diamond color grade
cutQuality string Diamond cut quality grade
polish string Diamond Polish grade
symmetry string Diamond symmetry grade
fluorIntensity string Diamond fluorescence intensity (strength) grade
fluorColor string Fluorescence Colour
colorHue string Fancy coloured colour hue (GIA) grade
colorModifier string Fancy coloured diamond colour modifier
culetSize string Diamond culet size grade
girdle string Diamond girdle grade
date string (ISO 8601) Date and time of object creation on Cutwise Platform
access int Cutwise General Share Access Learn more
dataAccess int Cutwise Cut Data Access Learn more
certifications Certification[] Certifications array list. Learn more
scores object Cutwise Optical Performance Scores. Learn more
_links object HATEOAS Links to Cutwise Platform representations

Accepted values for diamond fields are described on the Accepted Values page.


All HTTP requests to Diamonds API should be authorized by OAuth HTTP Bearer Tokens (see Cutwise Authorization). Request example:

GET /v4/diamond/1234 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Diamonds List Request

Diamonds list allways additionally filters by owning to user requested Cutwise Access Token.

List can be fetched with following HTTP request:

GET /v4/diamond HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Response returns in JSON array format, containing list of Diamond object (see Diamond Object Description section):

    "id": 31893,
    "sku": "RBC_Melee-6",
    "price": null,
    "isColored": false,
    "isLabGrown": false,
    "carat": 0.03,
    "id": 31892,
    "sku": "RBC_Melee-9",
    "price": null,
    "isColored": false,
    "isLabGrown": false,
    "carat": 0.03,
    "id": 31891,
    "sku": "RBC_Melee-8",
    "price": null,
    "isColored": false,
    "isLabGrown": false,
    "carat": 0.03,


Initial sorting is made by creation date.

If no diamonds matching filters then HTTP 204 response code will be return with no content.


List filtered can be done by fields id, sku, isColored, date.

Filtration example:

GET /v4/diamond?f[id][]=1&f[id][]=2&f[sku][]=EJ50&f[sku][]=EJ51&f[dateFrom]=20050809T183142+0330&f[dateTo]=20150809T183142+0330 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


List pagination follows limit-offset pattern.

Default limit is 25. Default offset is 0.

GET /v4/diamond?limit=50&offset=50 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Total count of matching filters objects is returned in HTTP Response Header X-Total-Count.

Fetching Single Diamond

Single diamond can be fetched by Cutwise ProductID (field id from diamond object). To fetch diamond with ProductId=1234 make the following request:

GET /v4/diamond/1234 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Single Diamond Creation

On diamond creation Diamond object should be sent, except following fields:

  • id: will be created automatically by Cutwise Platform;
  • date: will be set automatically by Cutwise Platform;
  • certifications: to add new certification to diamond you must use Certifications API;
  • scores: will be ready after scoring processing (may take up to 1 hour);
  • _links: virtual field;

Object should be sent in POST request payload encoded in JSON object.

POST /v4/diamond HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


  "sku": "RBC_Melee-6",
  "price": null,
  "isColored": false,
  "cutShape": 2,
  "carat": 0.03

Diamond will be owned by user who requested provided Access Token

On success diamond object will be returned.

Accepted values are described on the Accepted Values page.

Bulk Diamonds Creation

Requirements is the same as for single diamond, but object should in following structure:

POST /v4/diamond/bulk HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


  "entries": [{
    "sku": "RBC_Melee-6",
    "price": null,
    "isColored": false,
    "cutShape": 2,
    "carat": 0.03
    "sku": "RBC_Melee-7",
    "price": null,
    "isColored": false,
    "cutShape": 4,
    "carat": 0.025

On success list of diamond objects will be returned.

Up to 500 entries can be sent in single request.

Single Diamond Modifying

The same as a Creation request, but PUT or PATCH HTTP method should be used.

Some fields can be ommited, it will not be changed in entity.

To remove value provide null.

PATCH /v4/diamond/{PRODUCT_ID} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


  "carat": 0.031,
  "cutQuality": null

On success diamond object will be returned.

Bulk Diamond Modifying

The same as a Bulk Creation request, but PUT or PATCH HTTP method should be used and each object should contain id fields.

PATCH /v4/diamond/bulk HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


  "entries": [{
    "id": {PRODUCT_ID_1},
    "carat": 0.032
    "id": {PRODUCT_ID_2},
    "carat": 0.55

On success list of diamond objects will be returned.

Up to 500 entries can be sent in single request.

Single Diamond Deletion

DELETE /v4/diamond/{PRODUCT_ID} HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}

Bulk Diamond Deletion

DELETE /v4/diamond/bulk HTTP/1.1
Host: api.cutwise.com
Authorization: Bearer {CUTWISE_ACCESS_TOKEN}


  "entries": [{
    "id": {PRODUCT_ID_1},
    "id": {PRODUCT_ID_2},